kampring's weblog
© 2003 , kampring.blogspot.com
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
jamu kuat nge-blog
bagaimana caranya bisa rajin nge-blog, trus hasilnya enak dibaca dan dinikmati sepeerti masakan di restoran yang laris dibanjiri oleh orang-orang yang menjadi langganannya? pertama-tama adalah belajar menulis... karena kalo ga bisa menulis tidak mungkin bisa nge-blog, kedua belajar mengetik, karena tidak mungkin bisa di save kalo kita menggambar di atas monitor kecuali pake spidol permanen dan modal banget sih nulis2 diatas monitor! ketiga terus berlatih, seperti yang anda duga posting kali ini garing sekali dan mungkin anda muntah2, saya hanya bisa mengucapkan rasain deh sapa suruh dibaca, saya lagi garing mode nih!keempat mencari inovasi baru baik dengan melihat blog yang lain, bisa meniru ato menjajal hal baru seperti mengetik dangan jari kaki misalnya... kelima mecari jati diri, ga bagus kalo terus menerus meniru, Allah tidak menciptakan manusia untuk jadi mesin potokopi, karena Xerox telah menciptakannya! produksi selalu lebih baik, dan akan selalu ada jalan untuk hal2 yang baru. lima biji yah? cowok aja bijinya dua... HUS! apalagi nih, haus nih, ngambil teh botol dulu, bentar yaa..... blug.... cling.... srrttt... glgg.... ah, seperti yang anda duga bahwa blog ini ditulis secara real-time ato bahasa endonesa nya waktu nyata... ya waktu nyata seperti yang gagal di implementasi oleh team TI-KPU jelas2 mereka sux, ancur, dan masih menyalahkan orang laen setelah di evaluasi, yang jelas2 gagal gitu loh! EMOSI!!!! pemimpin yang baik bisa mengendalikan diri sendiri sebelum mengendalikan yang lain.... setiap orang adalah pemimpin dari dirinya sendiri...... sumpah ngelanturkan, idupin roko dulu... srrrkk ... psssttt... crkkkk.... shhhhhhh..... hoe real time yeah! oh yeah hrs blajar real time systems, baca lagi, blom review algo, jir pemalas gini!wah tuakng nasi goreng datang... brapa mas? Rp.6000, satu...dua..tiga...empat...lima...enam... pas ya mas, ya makasi yaaa.... minum teh botol lagi srrrtt....srrrttt.... meroko lagi... shhhh....shhhhh.....
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Backoffice Definition
A suite of network server software from Microsoft that includes Windows NT Server, BackOffice Server for the integrated development, deployment, and management of BackOffice applications in departments, branch offices, and medium sized businesses; Exchange Server; Proxy Server; Site Server for intranet publishing, management, and search; Site Server Commerce Edition For comprehensive Internet commerce transactions; Small Business Server for business operations, resource management, and customer relations; SNA Server for the integration of existing and new systems and data; SQL Server for scalable, reliable database and data-warehousing; Systems Management Server SMS for centralised change- and configuration-management.
Home http://www.microsoft.com/backofficeserver/.
Monday, April 05, 2004
SWOT AnalysisWhat is it?You can use a SWOT analysis to identify and analyze the Strengths and Weaknesses of your organization, as well as the Opportunities and Threats revealed by the information you have gathered on the external environment. Who uses it? The team members, the managers. Why use it? To develop a plan that takes into consideration many different internal and external factors, and maximizes the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats. When to use it? While developing a strategic plan or planning a solution to a problem, after you have analyzed the external environment (for example, the culture, economy, health, sources of funding, demographics, etc.).
Decide whether the answers or the data collected reveal external opportunities or threats. Enter the information you have collected in steps one and two into a table as illustrated below: POSITIVE-NEGATIVE Strengths-Weaknesses->INTERNAL Opportunities-Threats->EXTERNAL You can use this information to help you develop a strategy that uses the strengths and opportunities to reduce the weaknesses and threats, and to achieve the objectives of your organization. Using a SWOT Analysis Instead of using the Force Field Analysis, Mrs. Alvarez and the team could have used the SWOT analysis to determine the forces that promote or hinder the health center's achievement of its mission. The difference between the Force Field Analysis and the SWOT analysis is in the classification of "driving" and "restraining" forces into "internal" and "external" ones. The team could have analyzed the health center's strengths and weaknesses, and the external environment's opportunities and threats, as in the following chart. In this case, the first step consists of organizing the forces that resulted from the brainstorming session along the two variables (internal and external) as either positive or negative. The next step would then be the generation of alternatives, as can be seen in the chart below. | |||
E X T E R N A L |
SO Alternatives
WO Alternatives
ST Alternatives
WT Alternatives
Saturday, April 03, 2004
12 Bar Blues Piano Chord Progression
In this lesson we will be exploring blues piano or more specifically the 12 bar blues progression for piano. We will be working in 4/4 time which means that each "bar" or "measure" will have 4 beats. This gives the 12 bar blues progression a total of 48 beats (12 X 4 = 48). Briefly, so as not to get confusing, a beat for our purposes is one tap of the foot. This would give you 4 foot taps for each bar or measure. It goes like this...1,2,3,4 (one bar or measure), 1,2,3,4 (our second bar or measure), 1,2,3,4 (third bar or measure), etc. for 12 bars. Notice we start over after 4 beats. We do not count 1,2,3,4...5,6,7,8, we only give each bar or measure 4 beats or foot taps.
Blues piano is based upon the I-IV-V chord progression. If you have studied our lesson on chord progressions you know this means you will be using the 1st, 4th, and 5th scale tone chords of a major scale. In the key of "C" this would give you a C major chord (I), F major chord (IV), and G major chord (V). This is based upon the student using "triad or 3-note scale tone chords". However, in blues piano we will be adding a lowered or flatted 7th (seventh) tone to each major chord making them 7th or dominant 7th chords. Using the key of "C" this would give you C7 (notes are C,E,G, and Bb) as the I chord, F7 (notes are F,A,C, and Eb) as the IV chord, and G7 (notes are G,B,D, and F) as the V chord.
For our basic blues piano we have established the amount of bars or measures to use (12), the beats per bar or measure (4), and the chords we will be using (C7, F7, and G7). Now it is time to specify how many bars or measures each chord will be played. We shall begin with C7 and play this chord for 4 bars or measures. So, play or strike the C7 chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. You will do this 4 times for a total of 16 beats. Then, play the F7 chord for 2 bars or measures. Play the F7 chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. You will do this twice (2 times) for a total of 8 beats. Now, go back to C7 chord for 2 more bars or measures. Play the C7 chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. Do this 2 times for a total of 8 beats.
Now for our grand finish. Play the G7 chord for 1 bar or measure. Play the chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. Move down to the F7 chord for 1 bar or measure. Play the chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. Finish with the C7 chord for 2 bars or measures. Play the C7 chord and tap with your foot 4 beats. Do this twice for a total of 8 beats. You are now playing basic blues piano! Work on moving from one chord to the next smoothly and without any interruption in your tapping out the beats. And of course, practice playing this blues progression in all 12 keys!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
PowerPoint to Flash Converter
- Open your PowerPoint presentation.
- Under the File menu and select Save As….
- Under Save As Type… select PNG, Portable Network Graphics Format.
- Select Save.
- You will be asked if you want to export every slide or only the current slide. Select Every Slide.
- Note the location where your images are saved. Quit PowerPoint.
- Import Your Slides
- Open the PPT_FLA file.
- Go to the File menu and select Save As….
- Save the file under a new name. (This is to leave the original file as is for future use.) Note: For best results, use only alphanumeric file names (letters and numbers) with no spaces or special characters except for underlines ( _ ). Your .html and .swf files will have the same filenames by default as your .fla file, and if these are transferred to a web server you will have limitations on the possible file names.
- In the Timeline, select the first frame in the Slides layer.
- Go to the File menu and select Import….
- Locate the first image in the folder of slide images created by PowerPoint and select Open.
- You will be asked if you want to import all the images as a sequence. Select Yes.
- It may take several seconds for this action to complete. Be patient. When it is completed, you will see that the Slides layer has been filled in with your slides.
- Note the last frame filled on the Slides layer. Select in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Slide Num layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or select Insert: Frame.
- Note the last frame filled on the Slide Num layer. Select in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Hot Area layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or select Insert: Frame.
- Note the last frame filled on the Hot Area layer. Select in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Buttons layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or select Insert: Frame.
- If you have followed these directions correctly, your timeline will look something like this (depending on the number of frames):
- Test and Publish the Presentation
- Select File menu and select Preview: HTML to preview your presentation.
- Select the File menu and select Publish if you think it looks OK.
- Locate the .html and .swf files that were created in the previous action. Transfer these to your WebCT site or other Web site.
Merlin the wizzard
Merlin, sage from another world, was an inspired seer and mystic mage, a wise councilor and faithful friend to three kings. But for all his wisdom, was bewitched by the Lady of The Lake who turned his love to her own ends. She sapped his power and plundered his store of secrete knowledge, and when done, she bound him in stone by his own spells.
Merlin, sometime Myrddin, was the famous wizard in Arthurian mythology. So powerful was his magic that one medieval tradition credits him with the magical construction of of Stonehenge. Another of his works was supposed to be King Arthur's famous Round Table. Enchanter, wizard and prophet who oversees Arthur's conception and birth, enables his ascension and acts as high counsel to the King in the early phase of his reign. Merlin's role as a whole is that of advisor and scholar. His genius guides the realm. Geoffrey of Monmouth is responsible for the Merlin known to literature today. His name, "Merlinus,"
is a latinized adaptation of the Welsh "Myrddin" - the name of a late sixth century northern bard reported to have the gift of sight who predicted a Celtic uprising.
Merlin's birth was the subject of a strange story. Apparently, the Britons were told that a great fortress they had built would never be safe until the ground there had been soaked with the blood of a child who had no mortal father. Such a half-human sacrifice seemed impossible to achieve, until it was learned that a beautiful girl was with child by a demon. The child turned out to be Merlin, who, though baptized as a Christian, still possessed fabulous powers inherited from his demon father. Somehow the boy did not need to be sacrificed for the sake of the fortress because it is likely that Merlin was able to deal with the problem by means of magic. Two dragons, as a matter of fact were responsible for the problem.
There a various accounts of Merlin's death. One tells how the wizard forgot about the seat at the Round table that only Galahad could use, being the only knight worthy enough to see the Grail. Merlin sat down and was at once swallowed up by the earth. Another story blames the wizard's death on his passion for women. Either Viviane, possibly The Lady of the Lady, or Nimue, the daughter of a Sicilian siren, imprisoned him in an enchanted wood after Merlin had explained all about the secretes of his own magic. As Merlin told Sir Gawain, who once passed by: "I am also the greatest fool. I love another more then I love myself, and I taught my beloved how to bind me to herself, and now no one can set me free."