Laws of Game Programming
by Ian Parberry- Real game programmers aren't afraid of mathematics.
- Real game programmers never use bubblesort.
- Real games are coded in C++ with low-level routines coded in assembly language.
- Real games have real music written by musicians, and real art drawn by artists.
- Never optimize a piece of code before its time.
- Profile before you optimize.
- If it looks right on the screen, then it is right.
- If it moves, blit it. If it doesn't move, skip it.
- Never be afraid to throw code out.
- Don't go home each day until your game (in whatever state it is in) compiles and runs without crashing.
- Make a game that even a fool can win, and only a fool will want to play it.
- Fools have money too.
- At best, graphics libraries can only please some of the people some of the time.
- Use programmer's art until your game is playable.
- Artificial Intelligence isn't.
- No matter what you do, your game will appear on the pirate bulletin boards.